Cajeput  (Melaleuca Leucadendron Cajeputi)

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Contact Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am - 5pm. Free shipping over £50

Cajeput (Melaleuca Leucadendron Cajeputi)



This oil works well as a skin tonic. In addition, it promotes healthy circulation and perspiration and is a great aid for fevers.  Cajeput contains a chemical called cineole, which when applied to the skin produces a surface warmth that helps relieve pain beneath the skin.



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The greatest strength of Cajuput is its ability to fight infection.

BOTANICAL NAME Melaleuca Leucadendron Cajeputi
AROMA Fresh camphorous aroma with fruity undertones
ORIGIN Indonesia
PLANT PART Leaves and Twigs
EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation
PLANT FAMILY:  Myrtaceae
NOTE: Middle
PROPERTIES Antiseptic, cosmetic, bactericidal, insecticide, decongestant, analgesic, expectorant, febrifuge,
vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, anti-neuralgic, carminative, stimulant, tonic, sudorific, and emmenagogue substance.
MIND/MOOD Comforting
SKIN/BEAUTY Good as a skin tonic. Brightens skin. Used in antiseptic preparations. Helpful to joint pain.
BODY:  Promotes healthy circulation. Aids perspiration production. Contains cineole, which applied to the surface of the skin causes a warmth.
BLENDS WELL WITH: Most oils and especially  Cedarwood, Clove Bud, Labdanum, Rosemary and Thyme.
MAIN CONSTITUENTS Terpineol (Alcohol), Benzaldehyde (Aldyhyde), Cineole (Ketone), Dipentene, Limonene, Pinene (Terpenes).
CAUTION Avoid during pregnancy, Not recommended for use with children, Not recommended for those that suffer with Asthma.



100ml, 10ml, 50ml


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