Birch Sweet (Betula lenta) Essential Oil

07416 253 535

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Contact Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am - 5pm. Free shipping over £50


Birch Sweet (Betula lenta) Essential Oil


Birch oil was traditionally recognised as an astringent and is most effective as a toner, tightening the skin. The active ingredients of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate make this an ideal choice for toning skin.  Apply a very small amount to your favourite skin care product.


Birch also gives feelings of strength, warmth and vitality making it ideal for use in extremely cold climates.

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Birch oil is a purifying, uplifting and stimulating oil that encourages detoxification of the body when inhaled or applied topically.

This therapeutically wide-spectrum stimulating and cleansing oil has a bright, refreshing aroma, and can be kept in mind for restoring comfort to the overworked body and the agitated or cloudy mind.

EXTRACTION METHOD:  Steam Distillation
PLANT FAMILY:  Betulaceae
NOTE:  Top
PROPERTIES Analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antitoxic, astringent, depurative, detersive, disinfectant, diuretic, febrifuge, insect repellent, insecticide, rubefacient, stimulant, and a (circulatory system) tonic.
SKIN: The presence of Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate makes this blend useful for skin conditions such as  eczema and ringworm.
MIND: Stimulant and depression. Able to calm nerves and promote sleep.
BODY:  Helpful in reducing pain in the joints and muscle. Removes toxins from the body, promotes digestion, cleanses the kidneys, and lowers blood pressure.
BLENDS WELL WITH: Chamomile, Frankincense and Lemon.
MAIN CONSTITUENTS Salicylic acid, methyl salicylate, betulene, and betulenol
CAUTION Do not use internally, keep away from children and eyes, always check if there are any medical issues which could cause a problem. Seek help if you have any doubts.



100ml, 10ml, 50ml


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