Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale) Essential oil

07416 253 535

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Contact Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am - 5pm. Free shipping over £50

Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale) Essential oil


A not so well known oil, Bog Myrtle is useful in cases of acne and can potentially act as a sunscreen. In addition to the skin benefits, this oil is especially useful in helping memory loss due to illness or stressful periods.  Can help treat memory loss at the early signs of dementia.  This oil is probably more well known for being an insect repellant.

Blend to try: Holiday Mosquito repellant

4 drops Bog Myrtle
2 drops Tea Tree
2 drops Lavender
2 drops eucalyptus

450ml Distilled water

Mix into 500ml spray bottle. Shake well before spraying onto your skin. Do not spray near eyes.   To protect face spray onto a scarf or hat before wearing.



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AROMA A clean, fresh, herbaceous fragrance with hints of spice, balsam and camphor.
ORIGIN Scottish Higlands
PLANT PART Twigs, Blossom and Leaves
PLANT FAMILY:  Myrtaceae
NOTE: Middle
PROPERTIES Insecticide, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial & anti-bacterial.
SKIN Useful in cases of acne and may also have the potential to act as a sunscreen for the skin

Diluted to 3-5% (depending on the severity of the problem) in a base cream or lotion

It has anti-oxidant properties and so helps to protect the skin from free radicals by protecting from within.

MIND Especially useful during illness or stressful periods, and as a treatment for memory loss and the early signs of dementia.
BODY: Deters insect, especially mosquitos
BLENDS WELL WITH; Bay, Bergamot, Ginger, Clary Sage, Hyssop, Lavender, Patchouli and Marjoram and most spice oils
MAIN CONSTITUENTS The leaves contain an essential oil which is rich in various terpenes. The main substances are alpha-pinene, 1,8 cineol, myrcene, and limonene. Additional substances found in the plant are beta-cadin-4-En-10-ol, 11-selina-4-ol, beta-terpinene, p-cymene, caryophyllene, 4.11-selinadien, beta-elemennon, germacrone and a trace amount of other substances,
CAUTION Contains toxic flavon-glycosides and large amounts of bitter tannins.  Bog myrtle is considered abortifacient and should therefore not be ingested by pregnant women. Should never be used internally.   In some people, the herb may cause skin irritation. Avoid during pregnancy or if trying to become pregnant



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